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July 4, 2011

Blog Revamped!! #naturalhair tab

Greetings all!! I have been working diligently this weekend trying to revamp the blog. I recieved a suggestion from a friend who encouraged me to tab my blog according to the big ideas. To my surprise, she lit a fire on my behind and I have been clicking and tabbing away! Above you will see four tabs, Me, Hair, Finance and Womanhood in a gist!

I am extremely proud of the Hair Guides to Beautiful Curls Section! Whether you're natural, transtioning or looking for ideas to add to your regimen, I am trying to meet your needs!! My goal is to follow the same format with my finance and womanhood tabs! Go ahead, click away!

Happy Reading and Happy 4th!

1 comment:

I sincerely appreciate the comments! From one selfless person to another, thank you!