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February 16, 2011

PART 2: Not by choice, but by destiny!

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Not by choice, but by destiny!

A partially researched view of the evolution of African descendants living in America in the 21st century. The term "black" will be used considering this is an accepted reference to descendants of African slaves.

1. Why are we as black people so divided?
THEN: As thousands of kidnapped Africans laid side by side or rather on top of each other in a 12x12x12 room, they fought each other to breath, they fought one another to eat, and fought to see the light of day . They argued with each other trying to do the same thing: survive in a world unknown and unimagined.

NOW: Why is it that other races and cultures constantly embrace each other while "black" people are constantly degrading one another? The easiest way to defeat an enemy is to divide and conquer! As long as we are thinking separately, we will never amount to anything. "Black" people were the strongest during the Civil Rights when we all wanted the same thing, to be considered equal. Now that we are considered equal, WE are dividing ourselves yet again.

2. Why do people believe that light skinned women are more beautiful than dark skinned women?
THEN: I'm sure you're well informed of how the "house niggers" were determined. The lighter you were the more opportunity you had to work in the kitchen or as a nanny to the master's children. In fact, masters purposely slept with slaves to produce light skinned slaves. Unambiguously creating a sense of inferiority amongst the masses. Light skinned slaves were "cleaner" in the sense of not having to work in the fields and dark skinned slaves were considered "dirty" as they sweat and worked in the heat all day.

NOW: Lil Wayne disgust me with a bar that clearly would be a smack in the face to his daughter, "beautiful black woman, I bet that bitch look betta red.." It is the comments like this that continue to divide us!

3. Why do black women wear weaves or process their hair?
THEN: Most slaves who worked in the house were mulatto or bi-racial creating lighter skin and less kinky hair. They were the "elite" group of the slaves and all others were considered less worthy. Additionally, they were able to travel with the family to ensure the children were kept under control. Their features were so similar to that of their white masters, that they often "passed" as family members.

NOW: Most "black" women are obsessed with flashy things and do things in order to gain the attention of others. I am at fault for this myself- I want to be accepted by others! In order to get noticed you gotta flaunt what you got. The same happened in the slave days. If a slave wanted a better life for her children she had to look the part and give up the goods to have mulatto children. If you've never seen the movie Queen with Halle Berry, this movie puts interacial slaves into prospective. Mulatto children were even raise amongst white children and we're never mixed with slaves as to keep the child from being tainted. Division.

4. Why is the black family so dysfunctional?
THEN: It started the day Africans were kidnapped in the middle of the night. Established as they separated men, women and children. Solidified when they sent Africans their separate ways on boats to different continents and perpetuated when they sold slaves to plantation masters. Since Esteban Du Sable first stepped on American soil, the black family has been dysfunctional.

NOW: On American soil we were never given the opportunity to hold Delegates Meetings in order to establish the Constitution of Black People. We were simply told what to do and when to do it, so when maintaining a family was on our own shoulders, the concept was completely foreign. Although we try, we continuosly fail because our road map was never truly developed. And thus, we travel at different speeds, at different times in different directions. We've lost our sense of community. Together we exist, but as separate entities.

5. Why are black men so promiscuous?
THEN: After the birth of a light skinned baby to the woman he'd been courting, male slaves were forced to accept that they had no control over what their women did when it came to their masters. Instead they had an interest in correcting the problem and began impregnating as many women as possible.

NOW: Initially an effort to ensure the longevity of African blood has turned into a 21st century massacre! More and more "black" women are reported as having HIV over their European equal. Whether we blame it on a lack of protection or a wrong decision, consequently one more woman loses a life and the bloodline of African descendants in America slowly fades.

6. Why do black men leave black women to raise black children on their own?THEN: Slaves were considered property and were owned by their master. Contrary to their masters, slaves had no possessions and couldn't claim anything as their own. Male slaves were often separated from their "families" and sold to different plantations. Males slaves were not given the opportunity to serve as fathers and the responsibilities of fatherhood amongst the slaves were never established.

NOW: Considering the role of "father" had never been established in the slave community, black males continue to struggle with identifying themselves as fathers. "Sticking around" and assisting the woman in raising a child is not common ground. This also accounts for "momma's boys" as female slaves were responsible for raising the children. The black family's roots were never rooted deep enough to ensure that the black man understood he was a supported and essential to the success of the next generation.

7. Why are black people the face of most entertainment businesses?THEN: Africans were chosen as slaves due to their stature and physical ability. After being captured and forced to leave their native land, Africans tried to continue their way of life by using rituals, songs and dances. Their white mastered were intriguied by such activites, however did not approve because they wanted to strip them of their identity. Instead, they encouraged dancing only by request

NOW: It is no surprise to see a profound black basketball player on a box of Wheaties or on a commercial promoting the newest fitness shoes. We are also on the covers of magazines, sold out tickets to our comedy shows and concerts. We create the latest dance moves that the entire world mimics. Generations to come in the black community seek to be basketball players and football player over astronaunts and doctors. They've concluded that entertainment is easier than education. We would rather makes someone laugh than to hold an intrigiuing conversation. All the while, others are sincerely laughing at us because we can't see that society still has us bound!

8. Why are black women considered angry?
THEN: As she laid on her back and watch the baby she had just given birth to snatched from her womb, she wipes away the tears and continues to work day in and day out thankful to be alive. A few months later, in the middle of the night, she was awoken, undressed and raped again. But this was her life, the only way she had known it. She watched as other slaves were beaten for being defiant and how submissive they were after a severe lashing. Although she supressed her true emotions and withheld from defending other slaves, her thoughts and stories to be passed down were always filled with hate and anger, grief and pain.
NOW: The black woman has a track record for being rude and curt. She is usually the center of criticism and expected to be able to handle any situation and manage indepedently. She is not to wear her emotions on her sleve but to appear as a level-headed, competent individual despite her abortion last week, cheating boyfriend, inconsistent income, or late mortgage. Although she has the heart of a lamb, she's to have the skin of an elephant and the roar of a lionness, remember the lionness does the hunting.

9. Why do black men find a safe haven in gangs?
THEN: At the turn of the 20th century prisons began using chain gangs to provide labor forces outside of the prison building. Prisoners were chained together to reduce the possibilities of escape. These men worked side by side and began to develop relationship with each other that they had never developed before. Due to the restrictions of the chains, in order to move, they were forced to work as teams, build trust and dependency.

NOW: Granted, the gangs established in present day society aren't bound by chains, they are bound by their word and loyalty. Sadly, black males find a purpose in being a member of a gang that they don't find within their own family. They are provided with a sense of importance and can live up to the responsibilities expected by their gang leader. Their gang leader also serves as their "father" figure. Despite the negative connotations that surround gang life, many black males find "success" in being part of such an organization.

10. Why do black men wear jewelry?
 THEN: "I got myself some nigger's balls" states a master who killed an escapee and severed his testicles and wore then around his neck. He wore them to show other slaves would could happen if they decided to smart up and run. It was viewed as a trophy, a medallian, a show piece!

NOW: Kanye screams about his Jesus Piece, while Gucci talks about his canary diamonds, (black males who would rather be entertainers than to appear educated) yet I wonder if either knows the true meaning behind a man wearing a pendant? "Do your ears hang low" I'm sure you've heard this nursery rhyme and the song, "Do your chain hang long..." both make indirect references to something hanging...make the connection please...

Considering I have German, Native American, European as well as African blood running through my veins, please don't consider me racist; please don't think I have a grudge against someone or some ethnic group. I am simply making an "un-educated" guess about the destiny of the African descendent in the 21st century. That is all...

With love to last a lifetime,

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