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January 7, 2011

{All done up} First Video Tutorial!!

Happy First Friday of the Year, enjoy it! I believe that I am going to start a new diet/work-out routine and possibly a new hair care regimen as well. It has been a little over a year since I have worked out and I am starting to see rolls where I don't necessarily want them! Recently, I've become the Step Team Coach at the Elementary school, so I am sure that I will be in shape by the summer! Both my diet and hair regimen will include more water. When I was transitioning I co-washed every other night and once I became completely natural, I began to use more oils and braids each night. However, I've realized my hair responds better to water no matter what style I wear it in.

{My first tutorial on how to achieve The Twisted Frenchie -don't judge me!}
{After this vlog, I totally enjoy blogging better than recording! Any suggestions??}

{This is pretty much how I wore my hair all week...simple updo}

{Created a Youtube channel! Vlogging is harder than I thought!}

With love to last a lifetime, Kay!

1 comment:

I sincerely appreciate the comments! From one selfless person to another, thank you!